Features of Good Web Design

Whether you are building a new website or you are improving an already existing site, you should always bear in mind what you are putting in the web design. Think of your design as the first interaction your clients will have with your company. If it is not pleasing, then you can be sure that they will leave without hesitation. That is why you should invest in having a good web design.

Charecteristics of Good Web Design

  • Simple: Simplicity is vital when it comes to creating a web design. Avoid complicating your site by introducing too many photos, texts and adding so many things such that your site looks cluttered and unprofessional. Simple websites use text and pictures in a balanced way, and there is proper utilisation of white space.
  • Well done photos: The old cliche a photo is worth a thousand words still stands. A good web design must effectively use good quality images to convey the message they want to push through. If you have a website, you should learn tips on taking good photos so that you stand out.
  • Consistent: There is nothing as frustrating as going to a website and finding different fonts, awkwardly placed menus, and a general lack of consistency. Good web design is consistent and allows the visitor to figure out how to navigate through the site easily.
  • Short load time: Nobody wants to spend time on a website which takes forever to load. The average time is four seconds and anything more than that, you will have people leaving your site in haste. The general population is currently looking for websites that load faster, and that is why they are looking for machines with faster processing. It explains why refurbished apple devices and other computers that are considered to be fast are popular.
  • Logical content: There is so much more than just having a beautiful site. The design must also allow for relevant content which is easy to read through. The content placement must be in a way that users can quickly figure out what your website is about.
  • Easy navigation: When users come to your website, can they easily find what they are looking for? If not, then the website design that you are using needs to change. Good web design allows the user to search through content, scroll through pages and find what they are looking for within minutes. You can learn how to make a site accessible to navigate by doing research and making changes where necessary.

Ideally, good website design will increase your web traffic and make you look professional. You can always hire a web designer to help you with your site.
