Showcasing branding through your website

Getting visitors to your website is only half the battle in the world of online marketing. Convincing them to stay there can be even more challenging – particularly in highly competitive sectors such as vaping and nicotine replacement products. This is why developing a high-quality brand that resonates with the target market is such an important task for any brand these days. This article will cover some of the most common areas where brands get this wrong and share some tried and tested techniques for building an effective brand through a website.

Stand out with colour

Nordic Spirit’s approach to its brand and website is a great example of how brands can stand out by bucking the normal trends in their sector. The nordic spirit website uses cool and calm colours, harnessing some of the most popular parts of the Nordic design aesthetic and leaning on Scandinavian influences that have become very popular across the world of design over the last few years. It does this in a market that has generally opted for brash and hard-hitting colour schemes and designs. By moving away from the industry standard, Nordic Spirit has managed to create a website design that captures the attention of its target market and allows them to stand out from the crowd. Simply attempting to copy the designs that have worked for other operators in the sector could have been significantly less effective than this and would simply have risked Nordic Spirit becoming one brand among dozens of competitors. Moving away from this allows them to build a niche and ensures people will pay attention when visiting their website.

A great experience on every device

Despite the world having been mobile-first for the best part of a decade, many website designers still prioritise the desktop browsing experience when they are putting a new site together. This is generally because website designers use desktop or laptop devices to actually put a website together and their clients will generally see the site for the first time and submit their feedback using a similar device.

Clients can help their agency to deliver a far more suitable website that will work for their customers by focusing on the mobile experience when they are feeding back on the design. This means creating a mobile experience that is just as high-quality and exciting to use as any desktop device. It may require a change of mindset on the part of everyone in the process but it will help to deliver a website that is far more fit for purpose and delivers the results that the client is looking for. Whether the objective is more sales or more engagement, taking a mobile-first approach generally pays dividends.
