When setting up a business online there are a lot of different costs that can be incurred. Most will say it is cheaper than an on land business set up, but the costs will vary. What is going to be the foundation of the online business is the website.
In order to have a website it means that someone is going to have to produce the web design. This raises the question as to whether you can do this yourself. It is well known that there are many companies that offer this service, but there are some that like to take on the do it yourself role.
The basic answer to the question is yes you can do it yourself. It is important to note however that web development will also play a big role in the web design.
For your web design task, you are going to have to be creative. Then there are going to be many different areas that you will need to focus on. The web design is not just about the graphic design although this is probably the area of web design that you will want to start with.
There are different tools that are used for web design. To make your job easier you are going to have to first learn about what these are, then next learn how to use them.
Colour tools
The first decision to be made will be about your colour scheme. If you really want your web design to be unique then you will need to develop a colour palette to work off of. Careful attention will have to be given to your choices. The colours you choose will be important for the development of your brand.
Image tools
There are several different resources that are available to you for meeting your image requirements. You will need sources to get pictures from. Then for uniqueness, you may want to take your own pictures. No matter which image source you use there will be a need to alter the images most often in size. This requires the use of another selection of tools.
The Back End of your Web Design
There is the front end of your web design which is the end result of your web design work. This is what visitors see when visiting your site. Then there is the back end which is your working area. This is where you spend your time designing your site and putting it into action. For this, you will need several different tools added to a dashboard
You will be tempted to add some type of animation to your web design as it is a big trend. Again a whole new set of tools will be needed for this.
This is just a short list of the tools you will need to do your own web design.